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Suggest ways to help contain Covid-19.

Start Date: 28-03-2020
End Date: 17-05-2020

In a bid to curb the further spread of the global pandemic, Novel Coronavirus or Covid-19, the whole nation has been put under lockdown since March 24 that will continue till April ...

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In a bid to curb the further spread of the global pandemic, Novel Coronavirus or Covid-19, the whole nation has been put under lockdown since March 24 that will continue till April 14, including our state Manipur. Besides the lockdown, the state and central government has given strict advisory to stay at home, work from home and washing hands frequently and also making sure that the various essentials are met.
However, the number of positive cases keeps increasing with each passing day and it is worrisome that the measures taken by the state and central government to contain this virus is not impactful enough.
At this point, we as responsible citizens need to wake up and be cautious, proactive to help stop the spread of this dangerous disease. As we adapt to the new normal, the lockdown, tell us ways and how in our individual level could contain this pandemic besides staying at home, self-quarantining, washing hands frequently and eating healthy diet. And also tell us what has been your experience so far during this lockdown.

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Varnekar Akash Vasant 3 years 12 months ago

Respected Prime Minister,
1)Guidelines and rules given by the government should be strictly followed.
2)There should be rules and guidelines for every activity, which should be implemented,posted and strictly followed from place to place,the responsibility of which will be fulfilled by all.
3)Masks,hand sanitizers and soaps should be priced lower, which is priced per set,so that people from lower to lower classes-Masks,Hand Sanitizers and Soaps can easily use
Also,all these rules and guidel