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Stay Safe From Hypertension

Start Date: 13-03-2025
End Date: 13-05-2025
Hypertension, the silent killer, often shows no symptoms but can lead to serious health issues like heart disease and stroke. Regular check-ups, a healthy diet, and an active lifestyle can help keep your blood pressure in check. Take control of your health today!
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BrahmDevYadav 6 days 7 hours ago

Can garlic lower blood pressure?
Yes, garlic may help lower blood pressure in some individuals, particularly those with hypertension, due to its ability to relax blood vessels, though more research is needed to fully confirm this effect.


BrahmDevYadav 6 days 7 hours ago

What is normal blood pressure by age?
Normal blood pressure generally decreases with age with a typical reading of less than 120/80 mmHg for adults and varying ranges for children and adolescents.


BrahmDevYadav 6 days 7 hours ago

How to control BP without tablets?
To manage and potentially lower blood pressure without relying on medication, focus on lifestyle changes like a balanced diet, regular exercise, stress management and maintaining a healthy weight.


BrahmDevYadav 6 days 7 hours ago

How to handle low BP?
In order to handle low blood pressure (hypotension), focus on staying hydrated, eating small, frequent meals and moving slowly to avoid dizziness. If symptoms persist, consult with a doctor for further guidance and possible medications.


BrahmDevYadav 6 days 7 hours ago

Who is at risk of hypertension?
Many people are at risk for hypertension including people who are older, overweight or have a family history of high blood pressure.


BrahmDevYadav 6 days 7 hours ago

What is Stage 1 hypertension?
Stage 1:- hypertension occurs when your blood pressure readings consistently fall between 130-139 mm Hg (systolic/top number) or 80-89 mm Hg (diastolic/bottom number), necessitating lifestyle changes and potential medication to lower the risk of heart disease.


BrahmDevYadav 6 days 7 hours ago

What to avoid in high BP?
in order to help manage high blood pressure, we should limit or avoid foods high in sodium, added sugars and saturated fats and also moderate your alcohol intake and avoid smoking.


BrahmDevYadav 6 days 7 hours ago

How do I lower my BP quickly?
1. Meditate or focus on deep breathing. Meditation and breathing exercises can help you
relax, which slows your heart rate and lowers your blood pressure.
2. Reduce our stress levels.
3. Take a warm bath or shower.


BrahmDevYadav 6 days 7 hours ago

How can I stop my high BP?
1. Choose heart-healthy foods such as those in the DASH eating plan.
2. Avoid or limit alcohol.
3. Get regular physical activity.
4. Aim for a healthy weight.
5. Quit smoking.
6. Manage stress.
7. Get enough good-quality sleep.


BrahmDevYadav 6 days 7 hours ago

How can hypertension be prevented?
1. Eat a healthy diet. Choose healthy meal and snack options to help you avoid high blood
pressure and its complications.
2. Keep yourself at a healthy weight.
3. Be physically active.
4. Do not smoke.
5. Limit how much alcohol we drink.
6. Get enough sleep.
7. Manage stress.