- Department of Art & Culture
- Creative Corner
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Education
- Department of Fisheries
- Department of Horticulture & Soil Conservation
- Department of Information Technology
- Department of MAHUD
- Department of Science & Technology
- Department of Sericulture
- Department of Tourism
- Department of Trade Commerce & Industries
- Department Of Transport
- Directorate of Health Services
- Finance Department
- Forest Department, Government of Manipur
- General Administration Department
- Imphal Municipal Corporation
- Manipur Fire Service
- Manipur Police Housing Corporation Limited (MPHC Ltd.)
- Open Forum
- Social Welfare Department
Imphal Municipal Corporation

Imphal Municipal Corporation
is responsible for the development of Imphal town which is the headquarter of the Imphal District of the state. The goal of achieving a balanced development of the Region is attempted by the Imphal Municipal Corporation through the following strategies:
Preparation of perspective plans
Provision of development finance
Promotion of alternative growth centers
Strengthening of infrastructure facilities
Providing Market access and E-commerce
Vision & Mission
Imphal Municipal Corporation’s main mission and vision are to provide basic amenities to the general public of Imphal City.
To provide basic civic amenities in the jurisdiction of Imphal Municipality.
To collect Tax and Non- Tax revenues.
Issue of Trade / Food Licenses.
Maintenance of Public Places like Parks / Gardens, etc.
To provide access to Socio-Economic databases
To provide Citizen-Centric (Govt. to Citizen) services, E-Governance applications.
Market access and E-commerce
Generation of Employment.
To use IT tools for sustainable regional development
Website - https://imc.mn.gov.in