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The Role of Education for Peace and Progress

Start Date: 23-01-2023
End Date: 23-01-2024

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Join the discussion on the role of education for peace and progress.

‘Education is a human right, a public good and a public responsibility.’

Education can be a tool for fostering tolerance, generosity, and understanding in today's society as well as for assisting learners in becoming aware of the skills and abilities needed to progress and develop further.

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CHANDA NAGARAJU 3 months 1 week ago

Education plays a central role in peacebuilding, and
in ending war, chaos and violence. It also has a central
role in fostering a culture of resolving differences
humanely and peacefully. This requires modern
approaches to teaching the challenges of achieving
peace, developing nonviolent skills and promoting
peaceful attitudes


CHANDA NAGARAJU 3 months 1 week ago

education is central to peacebuilding it is important to note that it has two facets. There is evidence to the view that when equitably available, of good quality, relevant and conflict sensitive, education can help promote peace and provide safe environments. On the other hand, when its delivery is characterized with exclusion and inequity, it can exacerbate conflict.


CHANDA NAGARAJU 3 months 1 week ago

In the classroom, students are often asked to speak or read in front of others, offer opinions, and break into small groups to work on projects together. This is how communication skills are honed, and communication is they key to solving conflict. Through quality education, students may be armed with the tools to work within their communities to solve problems, or to do so on a global scale.


CHANDA NAGARAJU 3 months 1 week ago

Education encourages independent thinking, and it opens doors to new ideas. Independent thinkers tend to try to make sense of the world and draw their own conclusions instead of blindly following the beliefs of others. Independent thinkers may be less likely to join militant groups or be followers, and may instead be leaders towards positive change and action.


CHANDA NAGARAJU 3 months 1 week ago

Education is the process of learning and expanding culture, and, as it contributes to the improvement of the human condition through better knowledge, health, living conditions, social equity and productivity, is a central tool for social progress. Education is expected to foster social progress through four different but interrelated purposes:


CHANDA NAGARAJU 3 months 1 week ago

Education develops human talents and interests, and this is valuable for the individual, allowing for personal flourishing, and for society, since the expansion of knowledge and human achievement are valuable for their own sake.


CHANDA NAGARAJU 3 months 1 week ago

Education develops civic skills, and this is valuable for the individual, to allow for meaningful participation in civil society and political life, and for society, to benefit from an informed and engaged citizenship.


CHANDA NAGARAJU 3 months 1 week ago

Education develops productive skills, and this is valuable for the individual, to advance in the labor market and for society, to improve and maintain prosperity and compete in a globalized economy.


CHANDA NAGARAJU 3 months 1 week ago

Education can help to promote peace and understanding between different groups of people. It does this by teaching people about other cultures and ways of life. This can help to reduce prejudice and hatred.

Education is essential for the progress of any country. It helps to develop critical thinking skills, promote creativity and innovation, and prepare citizens for leadership roles. It also helps build strong social and moral values, which are essential for stability and cohesion.


CHANDA NAGARAJU 3 months 1 week ago

Studies have shown that there is a link between education and health. Those with higher levels of education are more likely to have better health outcomes. This is because they are more likely to have access to healthcare and be able to afford healthier lifestyles.