- Department of Art & Culture
- Creative Corner
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Education
- Department of Fisheries
- Department of Horticulture & Soil Conservation
- Department of Information Technology
- Department of MAHUD
- Department of Science & Technology
- Department of Sericulture
- Department of Tourism
- Department of Trade Commerce & Industries
- Department Of Transport
- Directorate of Health Services
- Finance Department
- Forest Department, Government of Manipur
- General Administration Department
- Imphal Municipal Corporation
- Manipur Fire Service
- Manipur Police Housing Corporation Limited (MPHC Ltd.)
- Open Forum
- Social Welfare Department
Department of Agriculture

The Department of Agriculture, Manipur was emerged in March 1946 with a skeleton staff consisting of about a dozen members only headed by an Agriculture Officer in a small building at Babupara, Imphal.
With the launching of “Grow More Food Campaign” under Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Government of India a separate Food Production Office was established in September 1950 with the objective of popularizing double cropping in all suitable areas state in both Hills and Valley.
The gradual increase of the staff strength to cop with the increasing volume of work of the Department, the State Government recognized the felt need of strengthening the Department that necessitated the creation of a post of Director of Agriculture, Manipur along with supporting staff during 1954. After 37 years of existence, Agriculture Department becomes a major department in the year 1983 with a total sanctioned post of 2,277 nos.