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Support Women-Owned Businesses: In honor of International Women's Day, let's come together to support women entrepreneurs and uplift their businesses.
Explore and discover women-owned businesses in your area. Once you've discovered women-owned businesses that you love, share them with us and write a few words about your favorite ...

Explore and discover women-owned businesses in your area. Once you've discovered women-owned businesses that you love, share them with us and write a few words about your favorite products or services of theirs.
BrahmDevYadav 1 year 8 hours ago
महिला उद्यमी से आप क्या समझते हैं?
महिला उद्यमी से आशय एक महिला या महिलाओं के समूह से है, जो किसी प्रकार की सेवा या वस्तु के उत्पादन हेतु उपक्रम की स्थापना, संचालन व नियंत्रण करती हैं।