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On This Doctors' Day, Share a word of gratitude for the Doctors across the globe

Start Date: 01-07-2023
End Date: 01-09-2023

National Doctor's Day is an important day to recognise and honour the contributions of doctors and other healthcare professionals. It is celebrated as a remembrance of the ...

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National Doctor's Day is an important day to recognise and honour the contributions of doctors and other healthcare professionals. It is celebrated as a remembrance of the contributions of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, a prominent physician and the second chief minister of West Bengal.

Let's celebrate National Doctor’s Day with the dear doctors around us and for the entire mankind whose only job is to provide health by serving the sick people through hard work.
Share a word of gratitude as a wish for them.

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tridip kumar ray 1 year 8 months ago

23 sec ago
Doctors is always here on earth whenever we need to save our lives,God is there if he hear our pray indeed.We can't meet God in need,hence Doctor's support for every life indeed.
Tridip Kumar Ray
Ulupara,Goalpara, Assam
Pin 783120 Ph 8638209476