- Department of Art & Culture
- रचनात्मक क्रियास्थल
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Education
- Department of Fisheries
- Department of Horticulture & Soil Conservation
- Department of Information Technology
- Department of MAHUD
- Department of Science & Technology
- Department of Sericulture
- Department of Tourism
- Department of Trade Commerce & Industries
- Department Of Transport
- Directorate of Health Services
- Finance Department
- Forest Department, Government of Manipur
- General Administration Department
- Imphal Municipal Corporation
- Manipur Fire Service
- Manipur Police Housing Corporation Limited (MPHC Ltd.)
- ओपन फोरम
- Social Welfare Department
Department of Trade Commerce & Industries

The Director of the Department of Commerce & Industries, Government of Manipur, who is also the ex-officio Registrar of Firms and Chief Inspector of Factories and Boilers, functions as the Head of Department.
The Director (Commerce & Industries), Manipur is assisted by 790 employees, comprising 51 Grade-A, 19 Grade-B, 585 Grade-C and 135 Grade-D regular employees.
The activities of the Department may be broadly categorized as follows:
(1) Village & Small Enterprises
(2) Industries other than Village & Small Enterprises (including PSUs),
(3) Trade & Commerce,
(4) Mineral Development,
(5) Registration of Partnership Firms under Indian Partnership Act, 1932, and
(6) Administration of the Factories Act, 1948 and the Indian Boilers Act, 1923 and the rules made thereunder.